elementary OS - dailyNOVEMBER
elementary OS - dailyOCTOBER
FRESH elementary 2012-10-06 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary OS - dailySEPTEMBER
FRESH elementary 2012-09-29 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary 2012-09-09 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary 2012-09-07 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary 2012-09-06 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary 2012-09-05 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary 2012-09-02 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary 2012-09-09 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary 2012-09-07 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary 2012-09-06 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary 2012-09-05 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary 2012-09-02 ( amd64 - i386 )
elementary OS - dailyAUGUST
elementary OS - dailyJULY
elementary OS - dailyJUNE
elementary OS - dailyMAY
elementary OS - dailyAPRIL
64bit HOT Elementary 2012-04-27
Help testing these daily-unstable-build. Report bugs.
" Thanks to the magic of zsync, you can download only the updated parts of the .iso instead of transferring the whole thing over and over. Here's how to use it:
1) $ sudo apt-get install zsync
2) Download the latest .iso.zsync
3) $ zsync -i old-version.iso new-version.iso.zsync
That will download new-version.iso and automatically check its integrity. By the way, using a daily build of Ubuntu as the old version cuts download size in half.
zsync might be not as effective as web download when you have no older version because it's not aware of geographical location of the mirrors. If you're simply downloading the .iso without zsync, make sure to check its integrity (otherwise you may end up with a borked system):
1) Download the .iso.md5 for the version which you're downloading
2) $ md5sum myfile.iso > myfile.iso.md5.local
3) $ diff -q myfile.iso myfile.iso.md5.local && echo "everything's fine" || echo "you're screwed, go zsync"
in case md5 sums don't match, you should re-download the image or zsync the missing parts. "
Any chance you could build a 64-bit version? I would... But I am only running Jupiter and the packages from BZR are not available to me. :(
RispondiEliminaI will build it and upload it in a week. The matter is the upload step.. it will take time..
EliminaSo be patient :)
Elimina64bit available!
EliminaWow, is cool, I visited your page a one month ago and I never seen this section.
RispondiEliminaNow I will can test the elementary os Luna....
Thank you for your time.
Sorry for my english and greetings from mexico.
It's a pleasure :) thank you for visiting my blog.
Eliminama le iso amd64?
RispondiEliminaDal team elementary finora sono arrivate solo build 32bit, la mia intenzione era di buildare una daily 64bit e caricarla su UbuntuOne; durante il building sono però emersi degli errori, probabilmente è cambiato qualcosa nel processo. Ho chiesto informazioni appena e se si risolverà la vedrete qui sul blog.
EliminaArrivata! iso 64bit ora disponibile.
EliminaMa con il file zsync e possibile aggiornare alla daily senza dover reinstallare il sistema da capo?? se si potreste speigare come usarlo? grazie
RispondiEliminaPersonalmente non utilizzo il sistema zsync, ho comunque aggiunto qui sopra la spiegazione originale.
EliminaHi, thanks for you work! Any updates in June?
RispondiEliminaYou can now find the June Daily on the top
RispondiEliminalink )))))
Does it or should I install...
Elementary OS - dailyAUGUST Is that what you.?
please. <<< translate......turkish-english >>>
I followed this address .....
whichever is the latest version ...
Have Turkish language support.
I suggest you to wait installing a fresh daily-build. I currently don't know if there will be support for Turkish. When i'll know it i will write you here!!
EliminaThe latest version has been build on 17 august, but there are still issues with kernel..
How can we update from older dail builds to the latest version of elementary without reinstalling?
RispondiEliminaOpen terminal and type:
Eliminasudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade